Hope you all had a wonderful, blessed Christmas celebrating the coming of Emmanuel, Lord with Us, the greatest gift of all.
And thank you for the wishes left on my blog for my family too! You're such a blessing to me :)
Where do I start telling you about my trip? Wow, while our US trip was wow in everyway and iconic in that we visited places we've read, watched on TV, seen in the news, and always dreamt we could one day visit, on this Japan trip, the wow came in experiencing this very different culture, people, beautiful land, everyday was full of fascination, they are so technologically advanced, yet so traditional, so much history, yet so modern, and the people we met everywhere with their warmth made the trip truly wonderful!
You'll hear more and see them all as I scrap the pictures (1000 of them on my camera alone, and another 1400 on dh's!) but I'd like to show you this one that is probably my favorite. It's the boys being absorbed as we all were, everyday, at this temple ground where hundreds of red tori (gates) were erected over a hill. They were counting them, actually, haha, but gave up at about 640th , when we gave up climbing further up the hill (I think we were not yet halfway!)

And I've made myself a desktop featuring more highlights from our trip. (click on the image for a larger pic) Yes we made it to Hiroshima! See the picture of the Atomic Dome building in the centre. Scroll further down to get the template link.

Now I've got new templates in the store too, these are from one last page for my US album and the front and back covers, which I completed before I left for the trip. And today I received my US album from shutterfly in the post!! It's perfect! I'm so pleased and all the pictures looked so much better blown up to 12 by 12 book size. I'll take some pictures and show them to you in my next post. This is the front cover,

The new templates are in the store HERE

You can download both the 1024x768 and 1280x800 sizes of the Desktop templates HERE! Just one request, if you don't mind me posting it on my blog, could you send me a jpeg copy if you use this, to me at "yindgs at yahoo dot com dot sg" (replace at with @ and dot with . of course) so we can have fun seeing what we are all having on our desktops! Thanks in advance. :)