Saturday, November 28, 2009

It's the end of term school holidays

Yes, it's our end of school year 6 weeks-school holidays! The boys are having their well deserved and long awaited break. I've managed to slot in some swimming and chinese lessons(chinese is our mother tongue but they are much stronger in English, hence the lessons), but other than that they are spending their days just the way they like. (A few days when I got home from work in the afternoon, they were still in their pjs!!) Between getting ready for Christmas, our year end holiday (it's Hokkaido in two weeks time!), 'springcleaning' the home and completing my projects at work before our break, I'm just thankful I have some time every weekend to relax and scrap! (that's all it takes to keep me happy and my family knows that. I'm easy to please, I 'd say! :) )
We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here, but do want to wish everyone who does a wonderful time giving thanks as a family! I do love the meaning of this holiday. Blessed Thanksgiving!
Before I forget, in my last post Christine asked me about the bible study I just completed on The Life of Moses. It is a study I attend conducted by Bible Study Fellowship. It is a weekly study conducted by volunteers that is focused on giving us a chance to learn about God's Word in depth. It is a 7 year program and I've been so blessed (i've comleted 4). I just checked the website, it is now conducted weekly in 36 countries around the world, and began in a California living room a half-century ago! I have been a christian for a long time, but this opportunity to study the bible in such depth has really enriched my understanding, my faith, and my walk with the Lord. Thank you for allowing me to share this!
And here are my 365 layouts for the 4 weeks to 7 Nov. It's a much more relaxed family! :)

blue paper from TDD's snap & scrap kit, camera from same kit by Dani Mogstad
And here's us during the week of dh's birthday, grandma's birthday, and Ryan's graduation night.

word tapes by Nicole Young, brown paper by Creashens, and stamp by the Digi Chick
On to my Japan layouts, next stop on our trip was Hiroshima, the site of the Atomic Bomb dropped during World War II. We had read and prepared the boys for it, so it was a solemn moment when the slow city tram pulled up and we saw the Atomic Dome building. There it stood, so stark, powerful, yet beautiful, and so sad. We have no particular political views about the war, we know that what is important is that all the world have learnt that (as inscribed on a scene in the memorial) "There is no good war and there is no bad peace". We count ourselves very blessed to have been able to visit Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial many years ago, and to be able to bring the boys here to Hiroshima, to be at this city where history changed course, to learn this precious lesson too, and never forget at what price victims of war had to pay for us to learn it.
Credits: Background paper by Robin Carlton, flower by Tara Dunstan, 'gear' by Dani mogstad
Here is the portion of the Hiroshima memorial dedicated to children who died to the atomic bomb, especially this 12 year old Sadako who started the folding of cranes as a symbol of peace. I hope the impression on my children will remain and that they will never forget.
Credits: paper crane by Veritas Scraps, ribbon by Kristen of K Studio, work art by Jessica Spragues, stitches by Gunhild storeid, purple paper by Amy Sumrall, ribbon by Brittish designs, background paper by Jessica Bolton

Finally, finally, of course, here's the templates you can play with this fortnight, have as much fun as I did!
Leave a message if you download here!


  1. Love the templates. thank you for sharing.

  2. Thanks for the wonderful templates.

  3. Thank you! I love love love you templates.

  4. Thank you so much!

  5. Oh wow Yin, thanks so much for linking to my 365 blog! I'm such a great admirer of your multi-photo pages.

  6. Thank you! Your templates are my favorites!

  7. Thank you for the templates! Love the multi-photos, since I can never just use one to a page like some people.

    How hard has it been for your children to take Chinese lessons? Mine learned Chinese as their first language, but have forgotten most of it (with the exception of food names for the most part!).

  8. Thank you so much! I just love your templates because you have so much room for photos!

  9. Thanks so much for the templates Fabulous layouts!

  10. Thank you!!!!These are wonderful!

  11. Just love your templates. Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. I just love your templates! Thank you so much for being so generous!!

  13. I love your Japan pages. Thanks for the templates.

  14. Thank you! I love your templates and you are so generous to share with others!

  15. Love your templates. Thanks for sharing your creative goodness!

  16. Thanks so much for sharing, I love your style and your clean crisp pages. Just wish I could manage to create such stunning layouts!

  17. Thank U for sharing!:)

  18. Love your templates! Thanks!

  19. Thanks! I love your templates cuz I am a lot of photos kind of girl!

  20. Thanks for the template! I love the multiple photos on one page.

  21. Your templates are super, lots of space for all the photos I take.
    Thanks so much.

  22. Your layouts always look so great! I love multiple photo layouts, real stories like real scrapbooks that tell the stories of someone’s life should. Thanks so much for sharing your templates!

  23. Thank you for the templates, usefull and beautifull as always.

  24. Thank you so much, both for the templates and the inspiration.

  25. These templates are awesome - I cannot wait to use them. I am a huge fan of multi-photo pages and I love the blocking that these have. My favorite! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  26. Thank you, Yin! I love your templates. I also love how you really coordinate the backgrounds in your layouts with the colors in the photographs. I find myself searching for hours to find just the perfect color coordinated digi kit. Sometimes I wish I could just design my own! Yours always look so nice.

  27. Great templates! Thank you very much!

  28. Thank you so much for sharing two fabulous pages! And thank you for showing my p365-page, it is always fun to recognize a LO on your page. =)

  29. Merci beaucoup .....

  30. Thank you! Once again I am inspired by your layouts and feel so fortunate that you share so much with all of us. I was quite excited to see one of my layouts in this post :o)
    Also, a big thanks for the links...the blogs are so inspiring as I work on getting my Project 365completed. SO many pages to get caught up on.

  31. Such fun LOs to look at! Thanks so much!

  32. I really love your templates...TFS

  33. Thanks so much for the lovely templates! )

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. Always love your templates! Thanks so much

  36. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. Thanks so much for the great templates.

  39. Thanks Yin, so neat & tidy.

  40. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  41. I love your creativity and simplicity!

  42. yin, thanks for 2 more awesome templates.

    -- dalis

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. Thanks Yin Designs once again for this template freebie!

  45. Thanks! I love your stuff. Found you through Daily Digi :)

  46. HEY!!! Ok - been a while, but thought I'd stop by and was GRINNING from ear to ear that you put some of my pages up ... thanks for the encouragement!

    Come stop by my site :-) ... I put up new pics of my wee little girl ... I'm in love with her!

    Have a great one, Yin!

  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. Thanks so much for the new templates. They are great as are your layouts.

  49. Can't believe I almost missed these. Especially since my layouts were there. It was a busy week that's the only thing I can think.

  50. Hi - I'm new to digi scrapping and hoping to get some of my kids pics scrapped before I forget everything that happened! Thank you for the templates!

  51. Your layouts are really cool!

  52. I just downloaded some of your templates Yin. Thank You so much for sharing these with us. They help me out so much in so many ways. You are the queen of templates!!! Hugs, Terry

  53. I LOVE THESE!! thank you so much, you are soo sweet to create and share!!!

  54. Awesome! Thank you!!!

  55. Your templates are wonderful !!! Thank you for sharing !

  56. Thanks so much for acknowledging my album! I had so much fun putting it together and your templates made it 100% easier. Our extended family is in awe of the memories, so perfectly captured and encapsulated in the book! I'll put up my 2009 pages on my blog in the next day or two, and no suprise, I used all of your templates AGAIN! Love them! Thanks again for all that you do and give.

  57. thanks again for the templates. These ones are so cleana nd simple. Love them

  58. I love them! Thanks again!

  59. Thank you for the templates! I'm a multi-photo scrapper & love your templates. I was under a deadline to complete 3 years of cheerleading pics for a Shutterfly Album and returned to your templates again and again! When I look at the completed album, my favorite pages were made with your templates. Thank you. Robin

  60. Oh, thank you so very much for your wonderful templates, this year is going to be my first project 365 album, can't wait to use these.

  61. Thank you so very much!

  62. Thanks for all the templates and other freebies I found here. Love from Holland, Marieke

  63. Thanks a lot to sharing your templates...
    Your pages are just so wonderful ! Youknow how tio put the photos in the write place.

  64. AnonymousMay 12, 2010

    thank you for sharing your talent!

  65. More wonderful templates! Thank you!

  66. AnonymousMay 15, 2010

    Thank you for the templates - so gorgeous!

  67. Thanks for sharing! Your templates have always been some of my faves!

  68. AnonymousJuly 22, 2010

    Thank you again for your beautiful templates...they are making scrapbooking easier for me:) And I am also enjoying your testimony throughout your blog!


  69. Thank you so much for your generosity! I love your work!

  70. Thank you so much for posting your templates. I had downloaded and used several, then my computer crashed and I lost the templates so I'm back to download them again. They're great!

  71. thnk yoU! love all your templates! SOOO generous and SOOO talented :)

  72. Yin, you rock! Thank you for all your stylish collage templates! I LOVE putting lots of pics on a page, so I adore your templates. Thank you for giving away so many and sharing access to your past downloads. Bless you! : )

  73. A few years ago, I tried to start digiscrapping, but I was so overwhelmed with the learning curve and three small children, I gave up. I just revisited your blog and got inspired to give it another go! Thank you for your wonderful freebie templates!! I'm hopeful that getting started with those will make my learning easier and less frustrating, while giving me an outlet for creativity. I looked at the two layouts I managed to create three years ago, and my journaling contained things that I had completely forgotten about what the kids were like at that age. That underscores for me that if you don't journal when it's fresh, you'll forget the details. I don't want to let these years as a family with young children slip away undocumented. Thanks again, and many blessings to you and your family!

  74. Thank you, Yin, for all the work you did in making templates to share.

  75. I love all your templates - they are so great when you take as many pictures of my 5 kids as I do - I hate to leave any kid out.

    I'm going to download them all before you take them down. Thanks so much for sharing.

  76. your templates are amazing. Thank you so much

  77. I love this nice blocky style, but I love what you do with the casual collages, too! Thanks so much for sharing.

  78. AnonymousJune 25, 2013

    Thank you so much for taking the time to share your templates. I am working am an album for a trip where I took over 1400 pictures and your templates are helping me to tackle this large project. Blessings! Vicki

  79. Thanks a lot!! I love your templates so much - Didnt know you still share free TP - Im so happy I found out!! Thank you so much!!!

  80. AnonymousMay 10, 2014

    Thank you for the beautiful templates!



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