Today I read an interesting article in my new favorite More magazine. According to an Oxygen survey, if women 40 to 49 were given $500, 43 percent would buy a video iPod, cell phone, digital camera or other tech device over spa treatments or designer shoes. I couldn't believe that! Would you? As for me, no tech device nor designer shoes (though very rarely i might treat myself to a spa treatment), I would use the money to go somewhere, take a trip, travel. We save whatever we can and spurlge it on holidays. Hence the load of holiday pictures I'm always behind in scrapping!
Today was good, Jared was invited by his friend to his church's young Rangers' day out. That motivated him to complete his homework yesterday on his own (yes, friday!!) and he really enjoyed himself today. Our bible reading this evening was "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13, and he happily agreed that what seems impossible on his own (like homework) is possible with God's help. That really makes me glad in my heart. :)
Here's the layout I just completed - photos of Macau, where we visited last year:

Credits: Paper and flower from October Collab kit from Style It Studio - it was perfect for the subdued colors I needed for this layout. I almost wished my photos were in the same color tones!
Well, this layout started out looking like this template below, although it turned out very different! I thought I'll still make it into a template for anyone who likes. Also thanks to everyone for your lovely and interesting comments, thanks for taking the time and I love to hear from you.

This is now available as a set in the store here