I should explain, for the foreign readers of this blog, PSLE refers to Primary School Leaving Examinations - a huge rite of passage for 12 year olds in Singapore, as they graduate from Primary to Secondary schools. The PSLE is a nation-wide standardised testing that has become a big deal, determining entry to the 'best' or 'popular' schools, and stressing out all parents and children alike. No matter how we disagree with and dislike it, we are all caught up in it, and with Jared sitting for the PSLE this year, it has practically overtaken our everyday lives!
For my fellow Singaporeans who are interested in the book, it has some good pointers, but mostly it was great to read about how another family 'struggled' as we did and hear how they survived! What was best is that it is easy to read with humourous short chapters, which even Jared was keen to read, and which made a lot of sense to him, we could connect, and that was quite amazing!
I liked some gems in the book, like the idea of going through this year as a family, taking it like a family project, not unlike when we did our renovations last year, the family suffered together, did everything together, went the extra mile to help each other, we will surely bond and grow stronger together! And how the most important thing in revision is not in getting all the answers right, but for the children to learn how to 'learn by themselves' - personal growth and maturity! I am looking at the next 3 months with new perspective!
We actually see Jared doing just that, growing and maturing, slowly but surely! He wants badly to go to Ryan's school, and is putting in effort and heart, going against his usual playful, completely distracted nature. He is growing up! I felt compelled to make a layout to capture it :)
Don't you think he has really grown? These were photos we took for him in his applications to some of the secondary schools. He has to write personal statements, go for tests and interviews, crazy, isn't it? He is taking it all in his stride, really growing up :)
In the midst of all the applications and preparation for PSLE, we took a much needed break (6 days!!) to our favourite Rawa island paradise! The best family time ever!!
Of course I have completed some more layouts.. from Shanghai...here we were at the 'transparent' viewing deck of the Oriental Pearl...
..visiting a Shikumen (old Shanghainese brick home) museum
At the Shanghai Museum..so much treasures!
And the Urban Planning Centre
While our home was being renovated in January, both Ryan and Jared had their birthdays (3 days apart), so we had simple birthday celebrations at home in the half renovated living/ family room
This template is now available as Template Pack 8 in the Store. Thanks for your interest!