We're back from our trips, back to school, back to work, and boy, how quickly we went from rested to hectic! First we went to Langkawi, Malaysia, with the boys, and then took off to Bintan, Indonesia, just dh and me, for two nights, to enjoy couple time! This is our third trip in 15 years without the kids, and it was soooo good! Still by the third day we were really missing them and talking about them. When we got home, I told them how relaxing it was for us (not to mention rather romantic) without them around, and they said "same for us too!" LOL! How they wish we leave them alone everyday so they can read and play computer games all day long! :)
I know I should refrain from issuing orders at them all day long, and make sure they have enough down time and quiet time (without me hovering around) to just hang and dream, but it is so hard! Mothers are mothers and it's what we do! If you haven't watched this video of
The Mom Song you must!! Tell me you didn't laughed till you cry by the end of it... :) I felt so much solidarity with all moms in the world, I am not alone!
Reply to CommentsThere was a question on how to separate the double template and save them as left side and right side on my previous post : Please see this
post here for some instructions on that, I would have included the same instructions in jpegs in the more recent template zip files too. Let me know if it doesn't help!
Now here's my layout for P365 of the week we spent in Langkawi, Malaysia. We're so blessed to be so near to tropical paradise! This layout is scraplifted from Becky Higgins' sketch and layouts in the August issue of Creative Keepsakes, love her sketches!! I don't think I should make a template out of it, but you can easily make it yourself, the two largest photos are 8x6, the two photos on the bottom left are 6x4, and the three photos down the right are 4x4. Everything will fit in perfectly on a 24x12 double page! A tip: For such layouts where the photos 'touch' each other without gaps or frames, choose photos that are distinct in colors/background to border each other so that they will stand out and pop. Conversely if I want to do a layout with lots of photos that are similar in colors or backgrounds ( like the beach layouts below) then I use frames to visually separate them.

Credits: Purple paper by Andrea Victoria, blue paper from Ohana by Brit-tish Designs
Next two layouts from our Langkawi trip - beach, beach, and more beach! We're beach bums alright! I have so MANY photos! Was in the mood for layouts entirely engulfed in photos, haha! The templates for these layouts are in the
store here - thanks for looking!

Credits: Background paper by Faith True , twigs by Carol Abram, leaves by Seni, chalkboard alpha (modified) by Kate Hill.

Credits: Background paper, beach sign, and wooden frame from Ohana by Brit-tish Designs, sea shell from Yardbunny designs.
Now here another of my P365 layouts for the week before, I'm so happy I'm keeping up well with P365 so far, I absolutely enjoy it, and am totally looking forward to seeing it in a book by year end - hugs to whoever came up with this idea!!

Credits: Blue and Purple papers by Andrea Victoria from Designer Digitals' Challenge Gallery, love everything there! date strip by Brandy, numbers by Donna Duncombe, tag by Julie Marie, all downloaded from digiscrap addicts.

And here's the template for you -
download here. And thanks for your lovely comments every time!