Every time I have some layouts ready and am about to blog, I always try to write down in my post some thoughts from the recent week, whether an anecdote, any story, something cute or funny, anything I want to remember.
But these two weeks the feeling has just been one of wondering, 'where has the time gone?' Can't believe it is November! It's probably the end of the school term, packing up this year's school things to make way for next years', Ryan attending his 'Graduation Night'(!!), finishing another year in my BSF (bible study fellowship)(we studied the Life of Moses this year and what a blessing), and so on that's brought this on. Even with my 365 project capturing every day (almost) it is still amazing where the days went!
There are many things we had been planning to do but that had been postponed more (years, lol) than I like to admit, like re-painting our home (the last time was 8 years ago, eek!, and we only painted half the walls then!), finding a way (overhaul is a better word) to store and organise all our (and the boys') books and stuff, even looking for a bigger home to fit us (and now the property prices have flown beyong our reach!), all these get postponed for daily life, trips (yay!), and I don't know what else.
But in the end, this is our life, as I have documented in my 365 and trip layouts, and I guess even if some of the bigger things get postponed, it doesn't matter. At this stage, parenting the boys, work, being a wife to my beloved, will have to take up most of my time, add to that serving God in sunday school, learning in BSF, time with family and friends, and all the daily nonsense and routine (and scrapbooking!) - is living abundantly as He has shown us how, and we are blessed! :) (even if the apartment is rather messy!)
So much for rambling, here are the layouts I completed, all of them are from our time in Takayama, in the Japan alps, a most tranquil, historical and quaint town. This is from the Hida Folk Village which houses historical authentic old farmhouses brought there from surrounding villages!

Credits: Background by Dani Mogstad, patterned paper, leaves, and heart shaped wood, by MlleHeloise, alpha by Traci King

And this was the totally awesome heritage home of a merchant family, we are no architecture buff, but the way the house was built really drew our breaths! The house was freezing because they did not install any modern heating, and the best part was being invited to sit down (kneeling fashion) for a hot cup of shitake mushroom tea from the boiling pot on the hearth!!

Credits: Papers by Bohemian art, leaves by Viva Artistry, dragonfly by Stephinette

And one last layout of all the various sights and scenes, food and smells from around the town, these made up the full unforgetable experience! (we went back to the same little eatery manned by one lady our entire trip!!)

Credits: Background paper by Catscrap, dotted paper by Karen Lewis, word art by Jen Wilson, strings by Weeds & Wildflowers.

This template is now available in the store