The boys' exams are over and we are all having a much needed rest from studying. The two of them have been spending the last week on holiday from school, 5 days together with each other for company, with their fair share of fun and tears! I guess that's the way with brothers right? One evening they were quarelling over something trivial again, and I got so fed up settling the dispute, I said whoever can come up with 10 compliments for the other first, will win the case. They got started and it was such fun hearing what they come up with!! When Ryan struggled to compliment #8 for Jared, he declared, "That's the absolute limit, I can't think of anymore!!" Haha!! Jared is more generous, and got to 10 more easily, along the way I suggested that 'Ryan is honest' and he said, 'honest, my foot!' lol! When they were done, they agreed reluctantly that 'my brother does have some good points!' :)
I tried to capture as many of the 10 compliments as I can remember!
From Ryan, good points about Jared are: He's intelligent, adorable, good with robots, great at puzzle games, creative, have a good sense of humour, fixes my (Ryan's) toys, learn from his mistakes. :)
From Jared, good points about Ryan are: Coordinated gaming skills, great strategist, superior vocabulary, strong, tall, has many good friends, fun sense of humour, careful, obedient! Another great story for a layout! :)
I'm pushing to complete my 365 layouts and Japan layouts, as I'm already planning next year's album in my mind!! It will be along stories of everyday like the 10 compliments story above... more of that later!
The next part of our Japan trip was spent in Takayama, a town in the Japan alps, it was a total change from modern, bustling Tokyo, it was beautiful, quaint, with pretty old houses and alleys to explore, lots of arts and crafts and markets to browse in, and here are the first few layouts I did.

This one below I put together quickly and simply, I'm so glad I started my 365 album on a simple, white background, minimalist theme!