These are layouts I made around Father's Day. It's all from my kit Rough & Tumble.
I'm feeling much appreciation for the role he plays in the boys' life now that they are older, and now that there are stuff I can't or don't do as well with them. I'm also thankful in this day and age and in our fast paced economy, that hubby does not need to travel for work (well he did it once last year, and it was unbearable!!) and is around everyday for me and the boys. No matter that he is so strict with the boys, they still gravitate to him, and look up to him as their hero. Well, at least when it has to do with star wars, battlestar gallactica, and light saber fights!! More and more I'm told, "mom, you won't know!" or "it's alright, it's a boys' thing" ...haha!! Good thing I have scrapbooking!

For once I don't have so much to say on this layout, I really like the more laidback look although the colors are not so striking.
And this one is really fun, I kinda laid on too many layers I think, for my usual style, but love that face!! It's true that my boys are more the bookish type, but they do love all the boys stuff, and are definitely, all boy. :)