What is Christmas?
I read this in a lovely book edited by Lila EMpson, and written by Phillip H. Barnhart i picked up over the weekend, and want to share it with you, as well as put it on my blog to remind myself:
Christmas is God deep in the flesh.
Martin Luther
Christmas is God’s love coming to everyone in Jesus Christ.
Christmas is God putting his arms of deep and far reaching love around the world and hugging it to himself. Christmas is a cascade of ocean waves energizing your life.
Christmas is a symphonic crescendo that plays and sings its way into your heart.
Christmas is your best time of the year because it is a celebration of God’s moving into your town, your neighborhood, your home, and into you.
Christmas is God in the flesh, making tangible God’s feelings about you.
You acknowledge such love when you put up your tree, decorate it with colors and shapes, and light it in joyful anticipation. You honor such a gift when you choose particular presents for special people and give them in love and appreciation. You affirm the coming of God in Christ when you read the story, sing the songs, listen to the Word, accept the truth , and feel the touch.
Christmas is knowing God loves you and comes to be with you.
Christmas is God in your heart.
A child is born to us, a son is given to us.
Isaiah 0:3 (NLT)
Made a blinkie to proclaim this joyous fact!!

if you like to have it, the url is http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o258/yin100/blinkie---christmas.gif