Sunday, March 20, 2016

Changes and Choices

Life is full around here. So full, in fact, that some changes and choices need to be made. You may have noticed that I've not produced many layouts or templates recently. One of the main changes is that since last January, I have moved back to full time work after 11 hours on part-time basis. Those 11 years are a great blessing, allowing me to keep up my career, bring in some income, yet have time with the boys as they were growing up. The last few years my work responsibilities had increased greatly and the boys need me around less, so I agreed to switch back. It is stressful, but so far so good. He has sustained me.

Of course this leaves me with significantly less spare time for everything I want to do. 

Also, my word for 2016 is Deeper. I decided prayerfully that I want to devote more time towards deepening relationships. Deeper relationship with my God, with my family, my mom, my parents-in-laws, and friends and people I meet too. I am glad to report that so far I'm pretty on track. Been accepting more social engagements, and intentionally planning my lunch breaks to catch up with folks. Also am back attending BSF (bible study fellowship) and being really blessed. 

Thirdly, for many years I found it so fun and rewarding sharing about our family's adventures, the cute things the boys were up to, and so on. But as they have grown up, it became important to respect their wish for privacy. 

So I have decided I will cut down on blogging, and will not be keeping up any schedule of putting out templates in the store. Whatever I do get done will be up on the store whenever!  

Be sure I will still be scrapbooking my life and travels, so some of it will still make it here! I'm in my tenth year of blogging, and I do love it, my own space on the world wide web to share and say what I want. I guess I won't completely go away, I am just giving myself permission to not be obligated to keep posting regularly. 

I greatly appreciate anyone who is still reading here, and to all of you wonderful readers who have been following me, thank you so much! I hope to still come back here with interesting stuff now and then. Like when I get my 30 Lists printed as 5x5 Persnickety books (wink) (in the works!)

If you wish to be notified of any posts here and in the store, you can follow me on Bloglovin', or you can sign up for my email newsletter. In fact, I have put together a gift for subscribers, further down this post. It's my way of keeping in touch :)

And I might sometimes post on my Yin_Dgs Instagram account. Right now I'm listing my 30 lists there! Very welcome to follow me there too.

And with all that said and done, I do have some latest layouts for February to share, hope they inspire you some :)

February Half-Monthly layouts

February Project Life

I always like to add fun stories - like how we set up our family group chat :)

and how family games help encourage great conversations

And family means a lot to me!

12x12 Layouts
A date night outing to our National Gallery that was so wonderful, and had so many photos I decided to make into a layout. Played with lots of paints and art journaling suplies!
And these are photos from our recent staycation, it was a great excuse to get the boys out with us for a bit, again too many photos so a layout it is, with plenty of messy art embellishing. Seems I'm in for this style lately!

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