Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Back from Hong Kong

We're back from Hong Kong !

It's our first time in Hong Kong and it was fascinating. Modern and old existing side by side. There was so much old world charm, which we liked, and it was good for the kids to experience a lot more of our chinese heritage. We had to bring them to Macdonalds quite a few times after our meals at restaurants in which they would not eat anything though!!!
Here's some photos of us at a shopping mall that's decked out for Christmas, eating nuggets at the Macau ruins of St Pauls, and the fantastic views from the Peak. Don't you agree it is an amazing place? Lots of material for scrapping!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Today's Reflection

Today i spent some time scrapping this picture - a rare one -
just my older son and me and he is hugging me! :)
How nice to have a photo with just you and me in it!. You've grown so much it's hard to have you all to myself these days. Where did my cute little chubby faced baby go?
Here. you say, gleefully pointing to your skinny self. Then you rub my tummy which you claim is the softest best pillow ever. And give me one of our nose rubs, and then you're off again, to your nine year old world. But i've proof once again, this is my chubby faced baby, and he's still mine.

Ever had one of those moments?

see my SSB gallery for credits

Friday, December 08, 2006

Mom To Boys

Yes! I took some time today to reflect on my life as a mom to boys! It's not what I dreamt of (daughters and dolls and baking and stuff), it's been wild, unexpected, challenging, taken everything out of me, but hey, it's kinda of wonderful! And from hubby's point of view, having sons and no daughters probably saved him loads of money, phew!
see my gallery for credits

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Our 13th Anniversary

Can't believe it's thirteen years now! We like the song by Shania Twain and i'm so happy to finally scrap it for this anniversary layout... we were friends for 12 years, and a couple for 13, so that makes 25 years! wow, praise God for it all, and here's to many, many more great years of lovin' and walking together in the Lord.